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Sam Pack's Five Star Ford

Sam Pack's Five Star Ford


Auto DealershipAuto Services & Sales

About Us

The #1 retail sales Ford dealership in Dallas, TX for the past 9+ years, always #1 in Customer Satisfaction.

Sam Pack's Five Star Ford is located at I-35E and Crosby Road in Carrollton,Texas. The dealership comprises more than 16 acres and employs approximately 200 local sales, service and administrative personnel. Sam Pack purchased the dealership in 1980 and the dealership has shown significant growth each and every year since.

These are some of over 100 other corporate awards, recognitions, honors and community service accolades that Five Star Ford has won since Sam Pack has taken charge of the dealership.

Mr. Pack, Time Magazine's ''Quality Dealer of the Year'' for his exceptionally high customer satisfaction standards, also earned Ford's ''Distinguished Achievement Award'' which is the highest Ford Division honor. The Metrocrest Chamber of Commerce made Mr. Pack Citizen Of The Year and, more recently, The Carrollton / Farmers Branch Rotary Club recognized Mr. Pack as their Man of the Year.

Mr. Pack's Dealership has been listed by Auto Age Magazine as one of the leading dealerships in the United States. This was established by being in the Top 100 Club which comprises the top 100 Ford dealers Nationally out of approximately 4,600, on numerous occasions.

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  • Triple Crown and President's Club Award
  • #1 Volume Dealer in Dallas 9 Years in a row!
  • Top Ford Certified Pre-Owned Vehicle Dealer in the Nation!
  • Over 100 Years Combined Sales Manager Experience!
  • Most Competitive Prices in the Dallas Market!